Cachalot vient vers caméra et cligne de l’oeil ++
: 00:00:51:05In
: 01:32:39:15Out
: 01:33:30:20Tape
: 1503SM101Format
: 4KEnvironnement - Action
: Gros planEnvironnement - Action
: OeilRelated Products
Sperm Whales field entry, close +
Sperm Whales 3 in the blue, one passing on caméra sound ok +
Sperm Whales in vertical sleeping position, young female suckling on other female +++
Sperm Whale vertical, reflexions ++
2 Sperm Whales coming, one passing close to caméra ++
Young Sperm Whale suckling, backlight +++
2 Sperm Whales passing along, 1 opening its mouth +++
Sperm Whale coming to caméra and blinks ++
Sperm Whale Irène passing close to cam turning and blinks ++
Sperm Whales going down, keeps vertical then going +
Sperm Whales, young female suckling and hugging+++
Sperm Whale on surface, zoom on eye
Sperm Whale group one coming playing with caméra caméra ++
Sperm Whale group, socializing, back view part 1 ++
Sperm Whale milk +
Sperm Whales passings + reverse
Sperm Whale, vertical, high angle shot ++
Sperm Whale sleeps, zoom on its closed eye +
Sperm Whales, socializing on surface ++
Sperm Whale group coming facing ++
Sperm Whales, socializing in vertical sleeping position, low angle shot +
7 Sperm Whales swimming +++
Sperm Whales coming to caméra and make clicks ++
Sperm Whales coming to caméra turn, one with cut tail ++
Sperm Whales, socializing, one sleeps vertical +
4 Sperm Whales in vertical sleeping position, long shot +
Sperm Whale in vertical sleeping position, low angle shot +++
3 Sperm Whales passing along, light ok +
Sperm Whale passing under, light ok, medium, long take +
Sperm Whale group, socializing ++
Sperm Whale looking at caméra and going to the surface +++
Sperm Whale group coming, one looking at caméra ++
Sperm Whale, medium, long take
Sperm Whale with cuted tail, going away with a second one ++
Sperm Whale group passing along caméra and 1 male showing its sex +
Sperm Whale coming and passing close to +
Sperm Whale group on the bottom, all upside down ++
Sperm Whale vertical, high angle shot++
3 Sperm Whales coming face to cam and passing under ++
Sperm Whales white passing over one Sperm Whale normal upside down ++
Sperm Whales Irène Gueule Tordue, sleeps, vertical, eye ++
Sperm Whale passing upside down in the sun rays on the bottom ++
Sperm Whale hitting water with its tail ++
Sperm Whale group passing under caméra +++, sound ok
5 Sperm Whales, socializing and 3 sleep +
Sperm Whales Irène Gueule Tordue, sleeps, vertical, eye +